Mmmmmm That’s Tasty!

School Journal, June 2014

1.Respond to the first 2 questions of the text:

What is your favourite food? Pasta

What do you like about it? Yummy texture and with sauce Delicious

2. What are your 5 senses? taste,smell,hear,see,feel

3. What are the five main types of receptors on your tongue?papilla,taste buds,connective -tissue,salivary glands and muscle layer

4. Are you a picky eater? not really

5. What are two ways that receptors are killed off? tonsils and papilla

6. What happens to our receptors as we get older? It takes longer to replace the cells,which is one reason way many older people can’t taste so well.

The great Jelly Bean Challenge
  1. Follow the procedure on page 29.
  2. In two sentences, write what you noticed and why it happened.

Copy and paste this and add it to your blog.


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