Siblings vs Only Child

L.G. To be able to persuade others to our point of view through writing
  • Plan your writing carefully so that it has a intro, body & Con
  • Make sure that each paragraph begins with main point that is backed up by evidence or details.
  • Make sure that the argument is based around facts & contains vocab that is appropriate to the audience. 
  • Point of view is clear throughout your writing.

In my opinion, I believe that having siblings is better than not. You would get lonely if you didn't & you can use them for things you want.

I believe, If you have siblings you can blame them for things you did. Firstly if you break a vase or another object you can blame them for it. You can say that your siblings ate all the biscuits/ other things (when you really did). 

I personally think, If you are an only child you will get lonely because you have no siblings to talk to. When you need help with your homework, say, and your parents are at work who are you gonna talk to? If your feeling down & you need to chat with someone who are you gonna talk to? If your feeling down & you need to chat with someone who are you gonna chat with if your parents aren't there. Another example is that with siblings you can play board games or games on phones such as heads up. 

I honestly believe that siblings are great to have & my last reason why is that you can prank them.Pranking is fun, but on parents well... not a good idea so thats why siblings are fun! do you ever get annoyed when your siblings pester you to ask for drinks laying around? Well teach them to never do it again with this prank! 100% guaranteed! Just drink a bottle of pepsi/coke then fill the whole thing back up with vinegar & put it back on the bench & hang around until they ask for it, then drink it. They'll never ask for drinks again! (or ever trust you again)

While being an only child seems like a dream to people with siblings. Later on you'll love having siblings. I have six & sometimes they are annoying but I appreciate them. So I hope you agree siblings are great!


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