The Ark

L.G.To be able to persuade others to our point of view .
  • Plan your writing carefully so that it has an intro, body & conclusion.
  • Make sure that each paragraph begins with a main point that is backed up by evidence or details.
  • Use persuasive language & sentence structures.
  • Point of view is clear throughout your writing.
The world is going to flood. I need to get on that boat. My two best friends are there. My life depends on it. I need to persuade you (Noah) to let me on.

Noah please, please! Let me on the boat. I’ve got no family & I would be very useful on the ark I could go out and try to find earth to land on everyday & find food. I won’t take much room on the boat because I can fly around a lot.

If you let me on the Ark it will give my species a better chance at survival. Also, if I can be the third dove then you will still be doing what you must because there’s supposed to be 14 Dove’s on the Ark anyway. I will be the third!

Noah I have to go on the boat, if you understand, I need to survive! Now let me through. (P.S. I don’t know how i’m talking.) Thank you.


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