
Showing posts from May, 2017
Siblings vs Only Child L.G. To be able to persuade others to our point of view through writing S.O.S Plan your writing carefully so that it has a intro, body & Con Make sure that each paragraph begins with main point that is backed up by evidence or details. Make sure that the argument is based around facts & contains vocab that is appropriate to the audience.  Point of view is clear throughout your writing. In my opinion, I believe that having siblings is better than not. You would get lonely if you didn't & you can use them for things you want. I believe, If you have siblings you can blame them for things you did. Firstly if you break a vase or another object you can blame them for it. You can say that your siblings ate all the biscuits/ other things (when you really did).  I personally think, If you are an only child you will get lonely because you have no siblings to talk to. When you need help with your homework, say, and your parents are at work w
The Ark L.G.To be able to persuade others to our point of view . S.O.S Plan your writing carefully so that it has an intro, body & conclusion. Make sure that each paragraph begins with a main point that is backed up by evidence or details. Use persuasive language & sentence structures. Point of view is clear throughout your writing. The world is going to flood. I need to get on that boat. My two best friends are there. My life depends on it. I need to persuade you (Noah) to let me on. Noah please, please! Let me on the boat. I’ve got no family & I would be very useful on the ark I could go out and try to find earth to land on everyday & find food. I won’t take much room on the boat because I can fly around a lot. If you let me on the Ark it will give my species a better chance at survival. Also, if I can be the third dove then you will still be doing what you must because there’s supposed to be 14 Dove’s on the Ark anyway. I will be the third!