
Showing posts from August, 2017
The Maori Chief L.G. Use a variety of precise words and phrases to add info, enhance meaning and/or add mood to a character. S.O.S. Use technical language and phrases. Use a variety of descriptive language techniques. Use direct speech. Use verbs and adverbs to describe how someone is doing something or saying something. His eyes were focused on me, His eyebrows were raised with a quizzical look. The chiefs jet black hair was in two bunny ears on his head, it made me smother a giggle. He had tanned skin covered by a fur coat. The coat had been dyed brown at the top and had a feather like look. His Taiaha had maori carvings in middle and a tuft of fur at the top and hanging down. His brown eyes barely visible beneath his moku. The roaring fire behind him left a smoky scent in my nose. His Taiaha set in front of him in case I went to attack. The forest that I had just come out of stay very still behind me. The other villagers had now all come out to look at the strange girl wh